OSA Ambassador Chad Husko

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In the 1st of April we had the great opportunity to have the OSA Ambassador Chad Husko (Link), from the OSA Ambassador Program (Link)!
The day was very busy since we got another visiting professor Anne l’Huillier (Link).
During the morning Chad had the opportunity to visit some labs and talk to different group leaders from ICFO such as Dr. Niek Van Hulst, Dr. Jens Biegert and Dr. Darrick Chang.
In the afternoon, Chad talked to ICONS OSA Chapter board to give some feedback and help the organization with new exciting and interesting ideas and activities.
Finally, in the evening, Chad gave us an inspirational talk titled “Careers beyond academia” about the opportunities that we have after the PhD thanks to our scientific background and developed skills, and gave us some examples. The explanation was followed with information of the different programs that OSA is running around the world and we opened the turn of questions.

Thanks Chad and OSA for this talk and help!


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1st Photography Talk

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ICONS and the ICFOTOCLUB organized the first of the series “Photography Talks: “Introduction to the world of photography”, given by Kutlu Kutluer on February 8th. Around 50 people were sitting and listening the teacher 🙂

In the talk we saw different cameras, their most important parameters to be initiated int he world of photography and questions about price vs. quality of the image and time of its learning curve were discussed. Then, the different types of potography with very nice examples were shown, followed with an open turn of questions.

Thanks to Kutlu for this beautiful and instructive talk!


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2nd Photography Talk

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As  part of ICONS’  and ICFOTOCLUB tutorials, we invite all ICFOnians to the second part  of  the series “Photography Talks”. This time, Lukasz Piatkowski and Federica Beduini introduced us in the world of the ultrafast photography and Schlieren camera. The talk was on Friday 18th of March with around 20 people in the audience.

The talk was divided in two parts. The first part given by Lukasz was titled “What if you use a laser pulse as a flash light for your camera? – how to push ultrafast photography to the extreme?”; the second part given by Federica, was titled “The Schlieren photography technique. How this technique allows us to visualize density variations in transparent media, obtaining stunning images even out of very common objects, such as a candle or our hands.”

The activity aimed for all the ICFOnians who have interest in improving their photography skills to be more introduced in the world of this two different types of photography.

Thanks to Lukasz and Federica where to buy generic viagra for the talk!

[av_image src=’http://icons.icfo.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG-20160322-WA0004-300×225.jpg’ attachment=’1064′ attachment_size=’medium’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’][/av_image]

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Arduino Tutorial for Beginners

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ICONS organized, another year, the “Arduino for Beginners” tutorial given by Luís José Salazar.
Thanks to OSA and SPIE grants, ICONS is able every year to buy every year new equipment to do some tutorials. ICONS completely trusts in free and open scientific software for the tutorials and that’s why ICONS organized tutorials in Arduino, GitHub, FreeCAD, Latex,…
This year we have a total of 10 kits for a maximum of 20 ICFOnians to be in the Arduino tutorial.
The tutorial is an introductory curse about the different types of Arduinos and their applications, followed by a hands-on tutorial. We had the opportunity to learn how to use 4 LEDs in serie and parallel and how to work with a stepper motor.

Next higher level tutorials (a total of three!) are also being set up for the following months!

Due to the high demand of people asking for the curse (and the limitation on the number of assistances), the tutorial will be done again in 22nd of April.

Thanks to OSA, SPIE and Luís for the talk and assistance!


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Creation of the ICFOTOCLUB

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A new and exciting opportunity for all of ICFOnians who are interested in photography is created! On 11th of February of 2016, the Photography Club of ICFO (ICFOTOCLUB) is officially created. In the first week, more than 25 people joined the club and nowadays the club has more than 40 inscribed people.

The idea of the club is to shared knowledge and to obtain more feed-back about ideas to work with, material, places,… realted with the world of photography. The Club will organize visits on photography expositions and photo-walks and will give information about different contests. Moreover, we will invite interesting speakers and do interesting workshops and talks, such as the “Basic Tutorial on Photography” given by Kutlu and “Fast photography and the Schlieren camera” given by Lukaz and Federica.

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