OSA Travelling lecturer: Prof Chris Dainty

I met Chris in NUIG during my bachelor of science we were his last final year class to teach before he retired from teaching, and I think he is a major reason why 7 out of 18 in our class went on to do an optics related MSc or PhD.

OSA travelling lecture in the blue lecture room ICFO 20th of March 2018.

He is now a very active consultant for many optics based industries in Ireland and the UK, in particular works with a company in Galway in developing smart phone cameras. This is what his talk  focused on, explaining in detail what the limitations of these devices are but also what the future plans are. His presentation was clear and understandable for the audience of master and PhD students as well as postdocs and some group leaders that filled our lecture room.

Chris’ genuine interest in all things optics is, I think, what makes him such a pleasure to listen to and discuss with. On top of giving his lecture Chris spent his day at ICFO visiting labs and interacting with students who showed him their research and consulted with him about some of their ideas both during our coffee session and in one on one meetings.

Informal round table with Chris discussing science and career progression and the trials and benefits experienced undertaking a career in science.

We the members of OSA and the students at ICFO are very grateful to the OSA for giving us this opportunity  to learn from such successful scientist year after year. The travelling lecturer grant as well as providing the chance to hear from scientist from all over the world allows the organising committee the chance to organise small events developing skills which will beneficial in our future for organising seminar and conferences.

Some of the members of the coffee session with Chris.

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Tech Transfer@ICFO

Driving innovation at ICFO is just one of the many roles our KTT team heads. Tech transfer is not just about technology; is about knowledge, information, and perhaps most importantly TALENT.
This Friday 16th of February we had the pleasure of hearing firsthand about tech-transfer activities from Dr. Silvia Carrasco, director of the KTT unit at ICFO, in a seminar where she talked about ICFO spin-offs, the MWC, entrepreneurship, investors and many other topics.
Thanks a lot to all the attendees!
Be tuned for further ICONS activities!


PS: an interesting article (in Spanish) about Silvia’s career and job can be found here:

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International Food Festival 2017

Spoons up!

A beautiful sunny day welcomed the 2017 edition of the International Food Festival  (IFF) annually organised by ICONS at ICFO at the Restaurant Barbacoa Europa, Gavà on Friday 17th. ICFO-chefs gathered together to cook traditional delicacies from all over the world in 8 courageous teams being the Turkish, Antarctica, Indian, Irish, SuperChefs de México, Catalunya, Cake and The Street Foodies team.

Lured by the delicious smell and the certainty of trying good food, more than 150 ICFOnians dared to come to the venue, equipped with a plate, cutlery and a cup of juice, beer or wine, and got ready to taste and enjoy the pretty arranged dishes from all the cooks! These brave Chef-teams had been preparing all the dainties already on-site (on fire) for two hours before the starting shot to taste. The teams offered a wide variety of specialities that included, for example, original Turkish kebab, Catalan butifarra, Irish lamb stew, Indian aloo paratha, sweet potato sticks (Street foodies), Cherrycrumble Cake, liquid-nitrogen berry ice-cream, Mexican tacos and many many yummy dishes more. After having at least the dishes from 5 out of 8 stands, the happy foodies had to choose their favourite team and cast the vote!

The competition was tight! The over 150 enthusiastic participants placed their ballots for their favourite team’s cuisine and waited for the final results. The waiting time was slightly shortened by attempting to drink a sip of wine out of glass jugs the artistic Catalan way. After some thrilling moments in the final counts, the SuperChefs de México could claim victory and the cava, followed by a tie in the second position between the Irish and the Cake team.

Congrats to the winners again and thanks to you all who made the IFF17 not only possible but also great fun!!
See you at the next edition! 🙂


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Brand new PhD seminar series

ICONS is back! And with a new format of PhD seminars!

Now these begin with two short flash talks as an introduction to the student’s research projects and are followed by a discussion session where we can move between two different stations. There, the two speakers present a more in-depth and open discussion of their topics.

Started on Wednesday, 10th of October at 17:30 in the picnic area, Tanja and Roland discussed about how to “Use Light To Poke Ones Brain” and about “The Story of a Microscope That Took Off Its Spectacles and Saw Protein Ghosts” before a great audience while having beers, soft drinks and some snacks.

Great success of the first edition! Don’t miss the next PhD seminar in October 27th!


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On 8th of June ICONS  organizes its 1st Colloquium at ICFO within the framework of the SPIE Visiting Lecturer ProgramThis funding encourages interactions between student chapters and world-class scientists and engineers at the leading edge of technological advances in optics and photonics.

In this special occasion, ICONS have the pleasure to invite John Rogers, from Illinois University, to give a talk titled Bio-Integrated and Bio-Inspired Photonics.

All the attenders will enjoy this talk at 12:00 h in the Auditorium followed with a Informal Coffee Session at 165:00 in the Blue Lecture Room at the same day. 

At the coffee session all the students will be able to ask some questions to the invited Speaker in a relax fashion while having a coffee.

ICONS’ hopes a great success for the events.


Summary: This talk presents some recent results on the development of photonic systems that integrate with biological systems for optical interrogation, stimulation or inhibition and exploit principles inspired by biology to yield advanced imaging capabilities. The former focuses on wireless, ‘skin-like’ devices capable of optical measurements of physiological health and on cellular-scale light emitting devices for optogenetic studies of brain function. The latter focuses on digital cameras with layouts found in mammals and insects to enable fields of view, uniformity in illumination,

acuity to motion and levels of aberration that are difficult or impossible to realize using conventional approaches. We explain the underlying materials science, optical physics, manufacturing methods and mechanical designs that enable these technologies, and we illustrate the performance characteristics through combined experimental and modeling studies.

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