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In this seminar we invited Federica Beduini, ext phd student in Dr. Morgan Mitchell’s group at ICFO, and Sebastien Nanot, research fellow in Dr. Frank Koopens’ group at ICFO.
A short summary of their background and also about their present and future aspirations were given to more than 40 people in the audience.
Federica talked about his experience as PhD student and her change in life after joining the KTT group at ICFO; on the other hand, Sebastien talked about his experience as PhD student and postdoc, and his new position as group leader in a University on France.
This interesting introduction was followed with an opened turn of questions with elaborated jumps and discussions in different topics.
The missing part of the talk was to bring somebody related to the industry to http://www.viagrabelgiquefr.com/ talk about his/her experience. ICONS took note and we are working on that 😀
Thanks to Federica and Sebastien for this talk!