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ICONS organized, another year, the “Arduino for Beginners” tutorial given by Luís José Salazar.
Thanks to OSA and SPIE grants, ICONS is able every year to buy every year new equipment to do some tutorials. ICONS completely trusts in free and open scientific software for the tutorials and that’s why ICONS organized tutorials in Arduino, GitHub, FreeCAD, Latex,…
This year we have a total of 10 kits for a maximum of 20 ICFOnians to be in the Arduino tutorial.
The tutorial is an introductory curse about the different types of Arduinos and their applications, followed by a hands-on tutorial. We had the opportunity to learn how to use 4 LEDs in serie and parallel and how to work with a stepper motor.
Next higher level tutorials (a total of three!) are also being set up for the following months!
Due to the high demand of people asking for the curse (and the limitation on the number of assistances), the tutorial will be done again in 22nd of April.
Thanks to OSA, SPIE and Luís for the talk and assistance!
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