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As part of ICONS’ and ICFOTOCLUB tutorials, we invite all ICFOnians to the second part of the series “Photography Talks”. This time, Lukasz Piatkowski and Federica Beduini introduced us in the world of the ultrafast photography and Schlieren camera. The talk was on Friday 18th of March with around 20 people in the audience.
The talk was divided in two parts. The first part given by Lukasz was titled “What if you use a laser pulse as a flash light for your camera? – how to push ultrafast photography to the extreme?”; the second part given by Federica, was titled “The Schlieren photography technique. How this technique allows us to visualize density variations in transparent media, obtaining stunning images even out of very common objects, such as a candle or our hands.”
The activity aimed for all the ICFOnians who have interest in improving their photography skills to be more introduced in the world of this two different types of photography.
Thanks to Lukasz and Federica where to buy generic viagra for the talk!
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[av_image src=’http://icons.icfo.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/PHOTOGRAPHY-TALKS-2-208×300.png’ attachment=’1065′ attachment_size=’medium’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’][/av_image]